Ancient Apulian Black Glazed Mug

Ancient Apulian Black Glazed Mug
Greek, Apulian, 4th century B.C.
H: 10 cm
PROVENANCE: Ex- American private collection, acquired on the London Art Market
SERIAL NO: 27038
A blaze glazed mug for serving wine, it has a straight body, low foot and a vertical handle that end beneath the flaring rim of the vessel. The back glaze is beautifully preserved. A tiny repair on the rim. Early Greek colonists in south Italy imported their pottery from Athens until the end of the 5th century B.C., after which they began to produce their own vases to supplement imported ware. Although heavily influenced by the styles and shapes of Athenian pottery, South Italian vases possess their own unique qualities.
Most examples of the pottery type are in the form of skyphoi, sessile kantharoi, lekanides, nestorides, oinochoai, and mugs.